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Project Proposals

From Baltimore Node Wiki

If you're interested in participating in or leading a project, please add your name so people know how to get in touch with you. Three tildes (~~~) will add you wiki username, four tildes (~~~~) will add your wiki username and a timestamp if you're logged in.

Drummer Robot[edit | edit source]

Yellow Drummer Robot

Cost to build: $120 Time to build: 20 hours URL to more information: http://picasaweb.google.com/fritslyneborg/YellowDrumMachine#

Parts:[edit | edit source]

   * Actuators / output devices: sound sampler, 6 geared motors in total, 2 speakers
   * Control method: autonomous (very)
   * CPU: Picaxe 28
   * Operating system: Picaxe basic
   * Power source: 4 AA batteries
   * Programming language: Picaxe basic
   * Sensors / input devices: SRF05, microphone
   * Target environment: where ever there is something to play on

Wifi Antenna From old Satellite Dish[edit | edit source]

I just canceled my directv and they don't want the dish back. I've seen them used before to improve wifi signals. If there was any place near by with open wifi that we wanted to pick up we could build this to allow us access. http://www.engadget.com/2005/11/15/how-to-build-a-wifi-biquad-dish-antenna/ Mehuman 20:27, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

Hackers in space[edit | edit source]

Launch a weather balloon, plus camera, retrieve it, profit! Full article: Hackers in space

Low Res film festival on the Roof[edit | edit source]

Visit project page Low Res Screen Project @ Load of Fun

This idea is inspired by the Graffiti Research Lab's project Drive-In GIF Theater. Basically you have people submit animated gifs and then create a giant led display to show them on. I think this might work really well for the Kresge Grant. Create a giant display for the roof and then ask for open submissions.

To make the project more accessible to everyone we could create a portable system for creating the animations that could be lent out to schools or others. I am thinking a digital camera on a stand with some lights, perhaps a computer, but it wouldn't be necessary. The system would convert the images to animated gifs that could be displayed on the screen.

You could also make the system web accessible. This would open up the possibility for playing simple games on the display a la Blinkenlights

Similar project to reference: Link Mehuman

Arduino Keg Meter/Barbot[edit | edit source]

Basically a way to measure how much beer has left a keg and the ability to log who drank how much beer. Similar project: http://kegbot.org/wiki/Main_Page We could place the keg on a scale and measure how much less a keg weighs after a user has finished pouring, place the glass on a scale zero out the reading and then measure how much the glass weighs afterwards, or find a food safe flow meter to measure how much beer passed through the hose. I would like to use RFID to recognize each user and log the results to a webpage or a projector display of the current standings. This would be a great way to run a fund raiser and once the initial hardware was built super cheap to order extra RFID tags. I have all the supplies needed to build a kegerator except for a fridge to cool it. Mehuman 19:03, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Here is a link to an NYC Resistor Barbot party. $20 all u can drink made by a barbot http://www.nycresistor.com/2009/06/30/its-barbot-time-again/ Barduino

Parts:[edit | edit source]

   * Arduino or similar micro controller - Purchased Mehuman
   * Old fridge - Alan B. Has one? Mehuman
   * Misc Keggerator Supplies - I have everything needed Mehuman 20:36, 20 July 2009 (UTC)
   * RFID Reader - Purchased Mehuman
   * RFID Tag $.99 - Have 2 for testing Mehuman
   * Flow Sensor - Purchased Mehuman
   * Solenoid to control flow - Purchased Mehuman
   * Code will be based on Kegbot.org Mehuman
  • Via Hackaday, if you have 27 minutes to kill, it seems that these guys talk you through making a remote control kegbot: [1] Sylviachi 22:59, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Giant LED VU Meter[edit | edit source]

This i see as something we can assemble and sell to local clubs and maybe use for our own parties. I'm thinking large scale and go from green to yellow to red so there would be no need for RGB LEDs just wire a line of 4-5 leds and have that row display when the music reaches a certain volume.

Here is a link using a piezo to measure the volume of the music: http://www.nerdkits.com/videos/sound_meter/

The LEDs would be fairly cheap. Using this image as a template: http://www.enote.si/studio/images/vumeter.gif. If we say on average $.6 per LED, which looks a bit high but bear with me. 8 rows of 5 green + 3 rows of 5 yellow + 3 rows of 5 red = 70 LEDs * $.6 = $42 per VU Meter + cost of microcontroller ~$30. So a set of working VU Meters to put in a club would cost us ~$114 and if sold for $200-$300 we could make a nice profit while still learning and teaching.

UAV Project(s)[edit | edit source]

Ardupilot[edit | edit source]


Parts:[edit | edit source]

  • 1x $25 board that connects to an arduino to control a plane, boat, or car via gps.
  • 1x GPS Module $60
  • 1x Optional board to make it compatible with R/C planes.

Blimpduino[edit | edit source]


Go for the N-prize[edit | edit source]

Why should Burt Rutan have all the fun?


Scramjet? Balloon? Quantum entanglement? DIY hydrazine? Urban launch is bound to be interesting. Steve 00:44, 14 September 2009 (UTC)

Bicycle POV LED[edit | edit source]

Examples:[edit | edit source]


Parts:[edit | edit source]

  • 1x ATMega328p / ATMega168 microcontroller
  • 1x TLC5940 / TLC5941, 16 PWM Ouput LED driver
  • 16x Superflux RGB LEDs
  • 1x A3213
  • 3x PN2222, NPN transistors
  • Assorted resistors, capacitors, tact switches and connectors (check schematic and board layout)

Guerrilla Marketing[edit | edit source]

What if we had a workshop where we made some sort of gorilla marketing device. One way to go would be some sort electronic apparel, like an ambient orb hat or some kind of musical shirt, etc. Or it could follow examples of other gorilla marketers like the printing bicycle or the Boston Aqua Teen Hunger Force flashing LED signs. Something simple, fun and easy to individualize. Why not tell people about the newly energized Baltimore maker/tinker/hacker/builder/breaker community?

  • go for it, any volunteers to organize? Abachman 23:25, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Ambient Orb [DONE July 2009][edit | edit source]

Examples:[edit | edit source]

Parts:[edit | edit source]

Weather Instruments and Networks[edit | edit source]

Build weather instruments, assemble into a weather station using wifi, etc. Install around Inner Harbor, and "Northwest Harbor" (Canton). Especially wind and waves for sailors.

Instruments, compare with Ft. McHenry data http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/stations/stationData.jsp?id=8574680 and http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/geo.shtml?location=21201

Feed data to:

Installation locations:

  • downtownsailing.org at Baltimore Museum of Industry, Riverside/Locust Point.
  • Marinas
Display stations[edit | edit source]

Build a small display station with LCD display from salvaged laptop showing wind, waves, sever-weather/radar, etc. for the Inner Harbor. Install at marinas, etc.

AM Radio Transmitter[edit | edit source]

You don't need any sort of licensing to broadcast on AM frequencies if your transmitter is 100 milliwatts or less. A transmitter with a basic wire antenna can get 50 to 200 feet of range, however a more substantial outdoor antenna can transmit as far as two miles. I would be interested in setting up an internet radio station and then using multiple transmitters to broadcast that station over AM around Baltimore. The transmitter stations would require enough computing resources to connect to the internet in some way, decode an internet radio stream, and output an audio signal to the AM transmitter. The transmitters themselves can be purchased for about $75-100 dollars, but it's possible we could construct a transmitter from plans for much cheaper. Five to ten well placed transmitters could cover a significant amount Baltimore city.

Steps[edit | edit source]
  • Setup a stream
  • Build an Arduino/xbee that dials into the stream and outputs audio (I'm don't think an Arduino has the processing power to connect to the internet, decode an audio stream, and provide an analog output. An old laptop or eeepc, which already had network and audio interfaces might be cheap enough to work. Jonlesser 03:04, 2 July 2009 (UTC))
  • Connect audio with AM transmitter
  • Build a nice case with antennae(s)
  • Replicate and distribute
  • Broadcast to the masses
Hacker Radio Broadcast topics[edit | edit source]
  • Freeculture
  • DIY discussions
  • Copyright law
  • Opensource
  • Coverage of local events
  • Creative Commons music show?

Intervention at Baltimore Development Collective's geodesic dome[edit | edit source]

This dome won the Sondheim Artscape Prize. It's located in front of the Baltimore Museum of Art. It is just begging for a techno-art intervention from the Baltimore Node.

RFID-tag City Landmarks[edit | edit source]

Enable self-guided walking tours.

Veteran's Transponders[edit | edit source]

Hardware and/or software that allows veterans to recognize each other when proximate based on war/battle/unit data.

Internet access in the inner city[edit | edit source]

Wireless mesh? Public Computer Centers (PDF) - Federal stimulus funds available. Application window is July 14-August 14.
(Is this a better link? PDF) I am definitely interested in developing this --Erich Steiger 03:19, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

Circuit Bending 101[edit | edit source]

All-ages introduction to hacking electronic toys and digital electronics.

Parts[edit | edit source]

  • Toys from salvation army and other thrift stores
  • Soldering iron and solid core wire
  • Continuity/Voltage/Current Tester
  • Heat Sink Tubing

Roof Top Garden[edit | edit source]

I know we have roof top access at the LoF. I have not seem the roof yet and we would have to ask Sherwin but i think it would be cool to build a roof top garden it would also help satisfy the sustainability aspect some people talked about. We could also make it nerdy and wire up some sensors to monitor the soil moisture and remind us to water.

Backyard Fish Farming[edit | edit source]

Now, a growing group of urban agriculture enthusiasts are translating the practice of land-based fish farming to a very local level. Their system of choice is called aquaponics -- a symbiotic setup in which plants and fish are raised simultaneously in recirculating water. The two "crops" are complementary: fish waste fertilizes the plants, which naturally filter the water so that it stays clean even when many fish are raised in close quarters (one might even call it a form of heavily engineered polyculture).

Sounds like more fun than urban chicken farming. What's the minimal sustainable size needed for a project like this?

Reference[edit | edit source]

Abachman 19:29, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

  • At the Robotfest, Jon and I talked to a guy from HacDC who does apartment aquaponics. I forget his name but we should try to track him down. I really want to try this. Sylviachi 02:54, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

Construction Assistance[edit | edit source]

If we have light shop tools and experienced folks on hand we might be able to offer open shop hours for drop-in fee based tool use. Similar to Beth's DIY Workshop, we're not going to do it for you (this isn't a cheap form of appliance repair), but we can help you do it. Abachman 19:32, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

Fab Lab[edit | edit source]

Build our own MIT-style Fab Lab. From the FAQ:

Fab labs have spread from inner-city Boston to rural India, from South Africa to the North of Norway. Activities in fab labs range from technological empowerment to peer-to-peer project-based technical training to local problem-solving to small-scale high-tech business incubation to grass-roots research. Projects being developed and produced in fab labs include solar and wind-powered turbines, thin-client computers and wireless data networks, analytical instrumentation for agriculture and healthcare, custom housing, and rapid-prototyping of rapid-prototyping machines.

Fab labs share core capabilities, so that people and projects can be shared across them. This currently includes:

  • A computer-controlled lasercutter, for press-fit assembly of 3D structures from 2D parts
  • A larger (4'x8') numerically-controlled milling machine, for making furniture- (and house-) sized parts
  • A signcutter, to produce printing masks, flexible circuits, and antennas
  • A precision (micron resolution) milling machine to make three-dimensional molds and surface-mount circuit boards
  • Programming tools for low-cost high-speed embedded processors

This would be a large scale effort, featuring lots of fundraising (50 to 60 thousand dollars) and more space hunting, but would satisfy a lot of folks' initial visions for B'node.

References[edit | edit source]

Abachman 15:54, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

Lantern Parade[edit | edit source]

Working with NANA projects create some designs for LED/EL wire lanterns of varying complexity and costs to use in NANA Projects Lantern Parade.

Lanterns can include electro mechanical connections to cause blinking up to arduino controlled POV displays.

[2] JustinSabe 17:27, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

Turbo Encabulator[edit | edit source]

Simply described: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY5WjIvyEXo

I propose fabrication in multiple phases. I can work on phase three, the "red" phase.

Abachman 17:21, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

I can supply the panametric fam. --Erich Steiger 13:47, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Mame Cabinet[edit | edit source]

We have tons of extra LCD screens and computers to power it. We would just have to purchase wood and controls. Mehuman

Materials Needed[edit | edit source]

Total cost approx $200

Software needed[edit | edit source]

  • Windows
  • MAME
  • MALA (or some sort of front-end launcher)

State of project[edit | edit source]

Matt is working of getting MAME running on an old computer of his and is in talks with someone who could provide an empty arcade box.

RFID Door[edit | edit source]

A way of entering and leaving the space with out having to buy a $15 key. Invisible to the outside. To start all codes would be hardcoded into the Arduino but as we get more sophisticated codes could be accessed from a database that the kegerator would also have access too. I have code from a guy named Arclight that has the majority everything written out. Mehuman

Parts[edit | edit source]

  • Arduino
  • RFID Reader - I have a Parallax one to donate Mehuman
  • RFID Tags or Fobs
  • Electric Strike to open door.$25 on eBay

Automate the Entire Space[edit | edit source]

I bought a ton of x10 stuff of a guy for really cheap and think it would be a great idea to set it all up a the space. I have 5 cameras, 1 with pan and tilt. 2 rca to usb devices, 1 works with linux the other i have yet to test. I have 2 computer control devices, Firecracker CM17A and Activehome CM15A both work with linux. a motion sensor that will turn on and off the lights with movement. This all can be controlled by Mister Home. Mehuman

CupCake CNC[edit | edit source]

I want to start with the Makerbot CupCake CNC rapid prototyper. I would like to then hack it to be a CNC machine and a laser cutter. I wold buy basic kit, Node would supply $250 and extra parts needed. Jcutonilli 20:02, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

VINYLMORE[edit | edit source]

Create an interactive Munny doll in a Baltimore theme for VINYLMORE.

Implement Pachube Feed, Node to Web[edit | edit source]

Targetting Pachube, design a series of data collection devices to monitor the status of the space in real time.

Abachman 25 Feb 2010

Giant Vibrobot[edit | edit source]

world record sized vibrobot with motorcycle engine and electrical conduit for bristles.

Laser Projector[edit | edit source]

Laser with culminating lens and small lcd screen stripped of backing.

Steam Dot Matrix Sky Printer[edit | edit source]

Using steam or fog machine, hoses and servo articulated ends 'print' smoke patterns.

Helium foam printer[edit | edit source]

controlled helium gas through a bubble solution to make floating 3D sculptures.

PixelVision clone[edit | edit source]

One of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PXL-2000 with an arduino and a walkman.

Wayward Bike[edit | edit source]

A bike that twitters it's location and takes pictures automatically.

On a sweet chopper bike donated from Velocipede install an inexpensive boost mobile phone with GPS and bluetooth interface a low profile unix device to take pictures from web cams facing the biker and forward to be updated in a twitter feed and mologogo service. Device would be integrated as part of a stereo/lights system (spoke POV!) powered by C cell batteries and solar array and with a charging system.

The bike would be left out with a full explanation that by using the bike you agree to have your image and location posted online and will not hold velocipede/node responsible for getting run over in traffic and that the bike is free for anyone to use when you are not in transit.

This is an opportunity to explore inexpensive unix embedded systems and to collaborate with velocipede to combine our collective tools (I really want to use that welder!) and expertise and to generate interest in our groups with online promotion.

Wayward Bike Mark II Summer 2011[edit | edit source]

refined open source system that to use requires recording a short video interview before using the bike. Biometric identification system that gathers statistics about where it goes and how fast. bike computer informational system that uses google maps, geocaching and user created content. locationally aware systems provide sound track and lighting system changes by user generated content.

Wayward Bike Mark III sell out edition[edit | edit source]

Utilizing open source tools and corporate sponsors Wayward bike systems mass produced will be available on freely available bikes (similar to the unlocked black bikes in Amsterdam) and will make me rich by providing locationally aware advertising content to the bikes. Having retired I will spend all my time at node puttering and providing generous donations