Main Page
To find out what's going on at the Node, check out our Events Calendar! Stay on top of events with RSS and iCal feeds.
If you'd like to host an event at the Node (one-time or recurring), stop by the regular meeting or run it by the discussion mailing list.
Regular Events
- Tuesdays, 7:30pm - Regular business meeting. Everyone welcome.
- Thursdays, 7-9pm - OpenHack Sessions. Come check out Node. Bring a project to work on or just hang out. Everyone welcome. If you're a member and can sponsor a Thursday, put your name on the OpenHack list.
Events Archive sign up
Becoming a Member
Quick links
Ideas, making, fun
- Publicity - How to contact us and past publicity.
- Project Proposals - Share your ideas for projects. Things you want to work on, things you think other people should work on, things you'd like to learn more about. If you want some help clarifying your ideas, the discussion list would probably be the best place for that.
- Event Proposals - Share your ideas for events or workshops you'd like to host, teach, or run at the Node's space.
- Challenges - Creativity thrives in competition? Maybe. Add your challenge ideas. Baltimore Node XPrize, ftw!
- WikiTips - Tips on how to use the Wiki
- Webcam - See if anyone is around
Current projects
- Parts store - small consumables to keep at the Node in return for small donations
- Window design - Ideas for how to decorate our window.
- Things to fill the Space - Stuff we've got and stuff we need.
- Internet Service Options - possible changes to our internet service
- 802.11 WPA Preshared Key - wireless password for the baltimoreNode network
- 501(c)(3) process - A place to document the process of becoming a 501(c)3 and show where we are in the process.
- Grants - Possible sources of funding.
- Outreach and inclusion - a list of groups, organizations, and populations in the Baltimore area we want to reach out to.
- Historical documents - Archive of documents and pages related to starting and planning the Node.
- Co-Lab Wednesday - Working with students, performers and established artists to help them realize technical aspects of a project that is beyond their current ability.
Communication Channels
- Website:
- Blog:
- Twitter:
- IRC: #baltimorenode on - irc://
- Elsewhere: Flickr, Instructables, Facebook
Mailing Lists
- Discussion list: Get your geek on, find help with projects, ask questions, get directions to the next meeting, share awesome findings, suggest projects
- Announcement list: Low traffic list just for receiving announcements. Subscribe to this list only if you do not want to receive discussion emails. If you are on the Discussion list, you will receive all announcements automatically.
Founding documents
- Hackerspace Design Patterns - while not an official document, it's kind of our bible for organizing and running this thing.
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- Board of Directors
- Logo - Official Logo of the Node
Meeting Notes
- 2009MeetingNotes
- 2010-01-05 Meeting Notes
- 2010-01-19 Meeting Notes
- 2010-02-02 Meeting Notes
- 2010-02-16 Meeting Notes
ToDo List
- Work on a Donation Request Letter and seek some donations
- Draft Membership Dues policy (Jon or anyone)
- Stop Hacking and start selling tacos!