2010-07-26 Meeting Notes
OFFICIAL BUSINESS[edit | edit source]
- buy more beer {KTHXBYE}
- welcome {KTHXBYE}
- members and stuff {}
- Henry. (startups & web tech "Rate Your Study Abroad") {KTHXBYE}
- Amy (new to bmore, comp-sci thesis workin', crafts, tech, HCI) {KTHXBYE}
- Luke. (new to bmore, EE, toy invention studio, wants to help folks, embedded systems, programming, lookin' to learn) {KTHXBYE}
- Kelly needs more keys, use beer tin money, like 5. $75 {KTHXBYE}
- dues, wtf? Amazon, bye bye. Paypal? Authorize.net. Approve treasurer exploration? approved {KTHXBYE}
- Awesome Grant for power tool drag races. approved {KTHXBYE}
- Matt has talked to Sherwin about more space, but we haven't heard back. {KTHXBYE}
- highlandtown, ben walsh?, 30000 to 40000 sqft. Mark's visiting Tuesday, Aug 3.
- renew space search? perhaps, casual.
Workshops[edit | edit source]
Why do workshops[edit | edit source]
Not so much for money. We want to be involved. we want to do awesome things. We want to talk about stuff we like.
Potential Workshop Topics[edit | edit source]
- Intro to Arduino. {REGULAR}
- Intro to basic topics in technology {every time}
- Intro to electronics.
- Intro to embedded systems.
- LED flashing thing. {one time}
- Controlled noise. {one time}
- Follow some tutorial. {one time}
- Intro to basic topics in technology {every time}
- Soldering. {REGULAR}
- Project-based. Decide on the skills required to work on a given project and then build the workshop around that. Spread knowledge. Practical application.
- Crafting
- Guest instructors.
- Bonnie
- Someone from MICA
- Just some art person
- Target a specific group.
- Women
- MICA students
- Craft people. (Craft Mafia, some seasonal event)
Potential Workshop Dates[edit | edit source]
- prime-numberth day-of-week in month
Stumbling Blocks[edit | edit source]
- Lazy (just lazy)
- Indecision (hard to pic from 1 bajillion instructables)
- Equipment (we can order stuff!)
What Has Worked[edit | edit source]
- Walk away with something that works.
Actual Event Dates[edit | edit source]
- Aug 11 - Processing with Jesse Kriss
- Aug 23 - Media Arts with Joshua Penrose
- Aug 28 - Freeduino build fest (intro to soldering)
- Sept 8 - Sketchup
- Sept 18 - Makerbot Jam Session
- Sept 27 - Embedded Things
- Oct 6 - Intro to the Command Line
- Oct 23 - Using the hell out of Vim.