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From Baltimore Node Wiki

I graduated high school from the Boys Latin School, and I earned by Eagle Scout with Troop 35 at the Church of the Redeemer. I received a Bachelor in computer science from Lehigh University’s College of Engineering and Physical Science.

For the last thirty five years, I have worked as a software engineer. I run my own software engineering and software architecture business in Baltimore City. I have also taught computer science at Villa Julie College, now Stevenson University, and I carry several Microsoft certifications.

I have led and designed a wide range of engineering projects. These projects include molecular and microbiology medical instruments for Becton Dickinson. It includes web sites for Sheppard Pratt and National Public Radio. I computerized the Uniform CPA examination for the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts. I have created a number of electrical power derivative trading and accounting enterprise applications for Exelon. My designs have earned me multiple software patents.

I enjoy playing squash, hiking, camping, photograph and sailing. I am also a member of the Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Maryland.