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Interesting Baltimore Things

From Baltimore Node Wiki

This list grew out of a few emails I've sent to folks moving to Baltimore who are or might be interested in some of the same things I am. It's a work-in-progress, but is handier than rewriting the same email dozens of times.

Please add sections and links when you get 'em. Feel free to comment on any items listed here. Also mention if any of these links are totally out of date.

Negative commentary is not encouraged.


Bike Stuff[edit | edit source]

http://bikebmore.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/BikeBmore : bike bmore, a 20-or-so mile ride starting in Fells Point and ending at a farmers market near the south end of 83. Relaxed pace.

http://www.velocipedebikeproject.org/ : non-profit bike collective, they accept donations and sell bikes cheap. about a block from the Node.

http://www.baltimorebicycleworks.com/ : for-profit worker owned bike shop. Across the street and down the hill from Node.

http://twenty20cycling.com/ : A new bike shop in Hampden. Seem like good chaps.

http://bmorefixed.blogspot.com/ : obvious.

http://skateparkofbaltimore.com/ : group trying to build a concrete skatepark in Hampden.

http://www.shopgentei.com/ : style and culture.

http://www.baltimorespokes.org/ : local bike blog. usually catches bike related events as they come up.

http://www.mtwashingtonbikes.com/ : Joe's Bike Shop, a bike shop on North Falls ave.

http://nbbb.wordpress.com/ : NORTH BALTIMORE BIKE BRIGADE, a blog.

Tech Stuff[edit | edit source]

http://davetroy.com/ : Dave Troy. This is the dude to know if you're into the whole startup thing. He started: http://beehivebaltimore.org/, http://tedxmidatlantic.com/, http://barcamp.org/SocialDevCampEast, http://angelsoft.net/angel-group/baltimore-angels, http://twittervision.com/ and a handful of companies, plus he has a decent blog, . Successful, geek, thinker, friendly. He comes on the Bike Bmore rides.

http://bmoreonrails.org/ : Even if you're not a rails programmer, this is a good group of folks. Monthly presentations, open source hack nights, and pub nights. Social geeks, and all over the map as far as web technology goes.

baltimore node : duh

http://innovatebaltimore.com/ : monthly social event, good chance to meet people. startups and established companies; web, IT, and video games (Baltimore is the fourth or fifth largest hot spot for video game companies); hobbyists and people-associated-with-tech. Lots of hand shaking and card exchanging, but also lots of younger folks just getting started (less cynical, more idealistic).

http://beehivebaltimore.org/ : the local tech coworking space. A good group of freelancers and assorted folks. Trends towards programmers and designers. The nexus for a lot of meetups and events.

http://digitalmedia.jhu.edu/ : JHU digital media center (DMC). Directed at JHU students but they have a few interesting electro-artists on staff. Collaboration potential.

http://thestartupdigest.com/ : a weekly email newsletter of tech events. curated by Dave Troy. Only started a couple months ago.