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Fall 2010 Workshops

From Baltimore Node Wiki

Planning for the fall workshop schedule.

Workshops[edit | edit source]

Sortable table
Workshop title Description Teachers* Students Price / student Duration When Requirements
Intro to soldering Students would learn the basics of soldering using an inexpensive electronics kit. Kellyegan, (add your name here) Add your name here $10-$15? 1.5 hours? Recurring
Explore Processing From zero to something. Jam Session, intro, advanced topics. Jesse Kriss (guest teacher!) http://jklabs.net and Abachman Students $0 a few hours Wednesday, August 11, 7:30 PM
Web Application Programming Learn what happens when you click submit by building a simple web application with a variety of software tools. Colin Freas Some web design/programming experience required $? several sessions fall
Intro to Combat Robotics Learn basics of building and competing in combat robotics Eric Blade Students Free 1-2 hrs (A Friday Evening in Sep. ?)
Title Description (copy this row to add a workshop) Teachers Students Price / student Duration When Requirements
Workshop title Description Teacher? Students Price / student Duration When Requirements
  • Its OK to have multiple teachers and in fact preferred. The workshop might be run twice and it is often easier to co-teach a workshop so if you think you can teach something and wouldn't mind add your name to the list.

Workshop Ideas[edit | edit source]

Things that you'd like to lead, teach, or attend, but the details are fuzzy and you're not sure if anyone is interested.

Using and Abusing the Command Line - know where you are and what you're doing. Be more confident with your `rm -rf *`s. Don't Repeat Yourself (write a script!). Make processes your children. I can teach this one, but I'd probably require some lesson plan assistance. Abachman