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From Baltimore Node Wiki

http://baltimorehackathon.com/, November 2010

There were a bunch of Node members representing strong.

laterlist[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

A web application that let's you easily record and remember things you want to get back to like books you want to read, movies you want to watch, music you'd like to listen to, or products you'd like to buy. Built using Ruby on Rails, hosted on Heroku.


Built By[edit | edit source]

Arduino Touch library[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

Library for interfacing Arduino with a resistive touch (like those installed in Nintendo DS or Sony PSP). The library allows for the creation of several different types of "buttons" as well as grabbing basic x y values. Button types include standard push (press lightly would be a better idea), slide up and down either vertical or horizontal and a "spinner" which works a bit like a rotary encoder by allowing to read rotation around a center point.


Built By[edit | edit source]