2015-03-29 Meeting Notes
Vote to move to reddawg's place
- Passed.
- Aim to be out of here by 4/30.
- New owners seem relaxed about end date.
- Volunteer movers: Hasdai, Mark Huson, Robyn
State of the node
- $4k in account
- 31 paying members
- Big thanks to Hasdai for outreach.
Upcoming Outreach Opportunities
- RobotFest the weekend we're moving
- Kathleen offers to help w/ artscape
- Y-not ?
- Officially 501c3
- Mark's lawyer friend Jack gets a big hand
- MD taxes up to date
- Federal taxes catching up
Updated membership agreement
- Add list of tools, esp. dangerous ones, for sign-off-on.
- Drop expensive keys
- Add student/family membership rates
- Jack added a few clauses to liability & volunteer & contract law
- Non-members should not be using heavy power tools w/o signing release of liability form, incl. power tools section. (incl soldering irons)
- Point people at Tool Library's safety course, but not required.
- Tag tools w/ QR codes for docs & friends.
- "Free workshop access" becomes "free/reduced cost + material costs"
- "Student rate" guideline at best. "Alternative Membership Dues" section of bylaws.
- Vote passed unanimously.
Meeting notes to wiki forever
- Archives, too, if possible
Intro for new members / open hack
- small projects / howtos?
- New visitor concierge bell.
- Member board in new space
- Nametags, esp. for officers?
Layout of new space
New Officers
- Pres: Maze runs again, unopposed.
- Vice: Hasdai steps down, Robin runs unopposed.
- Secretary: Me, again, unopposed. I voted against me, all others aye.
- Treasurer: Kevin, again, unopposed.
- Note that 501(c)3 implies no more free dues for treasurer.
Moving Budget
- Up-to $750 budget for moving, new space improvements, etc.
- Don't have to pay last month rent here.
- Motion to raise amount to $1000. Passed.
- Vote passed on amended motion.
Officers fund
- Acknowledged that we have officers discretionary fund of up-to $300/quarter.
- Moved to up-to $300/mo. Passed.
- Vote passed.
Moving Notes
- Jess asks if there is a central location of moving notes.
- I'll make a Google doc, we'll post to mailing list