2011-02-08 Meeting Notes
AGENDA: 2011-02-08
- Members Update
- New Members? - Jason Denny (voted in on the list) - Heather Sarkassian
- Todd ousted Marty as Mayor (foursquare)
- Financial Update
- We have money, but the last two months were the hardest we've had yet. 1300 and 1400 for our first two months. We don't have enough members to cover that level for the whole year. - Sherwin is currently reviewing the utilities cost calculation spreadsheet. It's not clear how much we're using, but it's probably a good bit. We might want a clamp-on ammeter (Wes) to measure how much power we're using. Electricity for the building in Jan was $850, oil was $4500. - NOTE: three separate former residents have commented that the third floor is "unusable" during summer days. The roof fan on the third floor must be fixed. - We should totally get 501c3, collect a chunk of change and find a more appropriate space. - We'll revisit membership dues and "the extra fees problem". - [ACTION ITEM: Matt] We're going to mail Jimmy Rogers a check for the same amount we get out of Eventbrite. - For the annual meeting, "Where do we want the space to go? How much do we want to grow? What do we want to be in Baltimore?" - [ACTION ITEM: James] 501c3 paperwork
- Upcoming Events
- Techno Swapfest: No one seems really psyched to lead this. - Betascape: Saturday May 7, one day, would be cool if we could run workshops and demos in the space. The event will be on North Ave in front of the Windup Space. Could we run the space as a gallery & classroom? HEY MEMBERS: think about a workshop you could run or might like to run. Deadline for running a workshop will be mid-March if you want to - BohConf: a free unconference May 16 - 19, Baltimore Convention Center, Ruby on Rails focused, free tshirts with the natty boh guy. - Civic Data Hackathon: Sat, Feb 12 at Beehive http://civichackday.eventbrite.com/ - ??? - Beer tasting? Indeed. Supposedly, not having a projector was holding that back. Solved that problem, obviously.
- Special Agenda Items
- Housecleaning/keeping, Thursday nights should end with "Last Call" so that people know that it's time to clean up their crap. - Keys (RFID on the door?) - Annual Meeting: Tuesday, February 22. If you want to be involved as an officer, think about that in advance. Also, if you've got something you want to discuss, like vision or goals or new initiatives or something, write it down and bring it along. - Makerbot, workin'? Done, needs some calibration. - Kitchenette!? Talk more at the annual meeting. - If we can get a full size fridge, kegerator is make rocket go time. - MAME cabinet is pretty much done. Just needs tweaks, Mark is handling that. - Mark knows a dancer (Lily) who's interested in getting hooked up with the Node for making awesome things related to dance. - Wes is working with the HOPE conference attendee metadata project and is interested in redesigning the project, he works mostly with hardware. Would start in the summer. Goal is a new tracking system for the HOPE conference. http://amd.hope.net/ http://www.openbeacon.org/ - DIY Bio dude will be around on Thursday to chat. - Jason is interested in doing something on the wall to make the whiteboard situation better or just something cool on the wall.
- Attendance
- Wes - Matt - Kelly - James - Mark - Todd - Jason - John - Adam