2011-01-11 Meeting Notes
Meeting minutes - 11 Jan 2011
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- CreateBaltimore - we'd like to talk about what we're doing at the Node. "We Built a Community Space." Matt is going to run an open house at the Node after the event.
- Organizing the space - We don't have enough electricity, it seems like. First, we should build shelves and get some pegboard. John will decide what we need to do to build shelving. We voted and approved $100 for building more shelving.
- A potluck hosted at the Node for members of the Load of Fun? Someone will have to own it.
- Sink? Ben wasn't here to advocate.
- Steve stopped by, he's an electrician.
- The New Year's party went well. Like 15 people stopped by. We oughta have more parties.
- I [Adam] ate at Nak Won Korean BBQ over a block north of North off of Charles, it was awesome.
Attendees[edit | edit source]
- Mark Huson
- Rob Miller
- Matthew Forr
- Alan Grover
- Todd Blatt
- John Cutonilli
- James Breger
- Adam Bachman