2010-09-14 Meeting Notes
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Electronica Fest
- Saturday, Sept 18, 1:30 PM - 8:45 PM EDT, National Electronics Museum 1745 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, MD 21090
- Advertise, notify membership
- Getting a faster internet connection? Does we need 'em?
- Matt: I think we need it.
- Adam: I don't think we need to spend more money on it.
- Members have noticed at events.
- We're currently spending $30 a month.
- Who would we get it from? Wireless seems like the best option.
- We might be able to bump Clear up.
- Local file server might be handy.
- Cleaning up
- recycling: Alan said he'd take it tonight.
- garbage?
- STUFF - cleanup, destruction, remove?
- Someone will set a date, they will tell people, and then it will happen.
- New Kindle derails meeting catastrophically.
- We have too much and it's not organized.
- Sisson Street dump will take the electronics garbage.
- Be it resolved sorting of will happen during Open Hack on September 23, take-away will happen on Saturday, October 2. Anything in the scavenge or trash categories will be disposed of. http://wiki.baltimorenode.org/index.php?title=Things_to_fill_the_Space We voted, passed.
- Bins for members?
- Add space per Sherwin?
- As long as it's not just to hold more junk.
- Do we need it?
- Matt: yeah. At a busy workshop, we run out of space at about 10 people.
- Events could be better advertised, we could reach out to other groups.
- Clutter and disorganization makes discussion difficult.
- What do we want to have and what do we want to do?
- Meetings + Workshop. These scenarios do not seem to be compatible in the current space.
- It is impossible to have 30 people.
- Ben: Do we want a new space, or would it make more sense to rent a space as needed? Like, find a space that has room for people and use it when we need it.
- Matt: we can have events in our space which is good, because that's the reason for having space: to put people in the space.
- Kelly: could we organize to make room for more people?
- Consensus: unlikely
- Adam: "Build it and they may come." It was the same when we started the space.
- No action items, but it was a rousing discussion.
- Getting active (Where have we been?)
- What's the scoop? Is something missing?
- Is stuff getting in the way?
- It has pointed out that node-discussion-list has been inactive.
- Members oughta BE MOAR ACTIVE, just put stuff out there.
- Workshops, going good. Keep going. Add to them.
- Has once a month business meeting caused a drop-off? Nope.
- Taxes
- Still gotta pay 'em. Waiting for Jon.
- 501c3
- The thing keeping us from doing a 501c3 is money and time.
- We have people to work with. A committe shall be organized.
- Money for Wes?
- We already approved the money and already have the stuff. We just gotta get him the money.
- baltolug - baltimore linux users group
- loose affiliation of linux fans
- Mark has a dude coming by to check out the space, Brian H.
- Concerns: no one to open up, 'cause we're a private space.
- Unallocated Space - new hackerspace forming, leased space near BWI. 1600 sqft and outdoor space.
- Collaboration - lightning talks, workshops, other events. We should pay attention and cross-promote.
- Should we start or seek a Mid-Atlantic mailing list or discussion forum? Baltimore region? Where does a "techie" in Baltimore go for this kind of discussion. We should pick this up on the discussion list.
- DIY Fest
- October 23, 2640 St Paul.
- We have a table and time for workshops.
- ADAM will send a message to solicit workshop ideas.
- New stuff
- Electronic components, we have 'em.
- Remington Science Camp? See the mailing list.
Special Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Pete visited, dev with Skyline. Interested in being a member. We voted, he's in.
Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Financials
- Monies In
- Monies Out
- Memberships
- Surprise! New member.
- Upcoming Events
Attending[edit | edit source]
- Adam
- Alan
- Ben
- James
- Jon C.
- Justin
- Kelly
- Mark
- Matt
- Pete