2010-08-10 Meeting Notes
Special Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Clean up is Saturday
- Boarduino workshop is coming up
- Order parts {MATT}
- Get flyers made and spread out {MATT}
- Get in touch with people who may come to the event. {MATT}
- Plan curriculum {MATT,MARTY}
- Find one other person to help run the event {MATT,MARTY}
Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Financials
- Monies In
- ?
- Monies Out
- ?
- Monies In
- Memberships
- none, but there was a new guy (Alonso) who was very interested.
- Upcoming Events
- Processing Aug 12, Max/MSP Aug 23, Boarduino buildfest Aug 28
Attending[edit | edit source]
- Adam
- Amy
- Luke
- Marty
- Matt
Couldn't vote for anything because there weren't enough people here, so we just hung out and drank a few lukewarm beers.