2009-10-13 Meeting Notes
Agenda[edit | edit source]
Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Financial update (Mark)
- Membership update (Matt)
- Short notes on personal projects or other wise interesting projects.
- Heads up mention of upcoming events and pointers to info.
- Multimeter workshop on 10/21 (Wednesday)
- Baltimore Dorkbot Meeting next Tuesday (10/20) at 7:00pm
- Circuit bending workshop will be October 24th from 1pm til done
- TEDxMidAtlantic is November 5 8am - 6:30pm (open?)
- Art && Code in Pittsburgh November 6th – 8
- SketchUp Workshop on November 21 @ 1:00pm
- Check in on action items from last week
- Get more chairs
- Find people to offer workshops
- Patrick will contact Google about our sketchup workshop
- Matt will research and begin building an intro to processing/programming class
- Find a campsite at Elkneck state park
- Mark will develop a research proposal for replacing the door and the lock.
- Get the TV working
- Get EDC’s contact information
- Baltimore Nodecast
Special Items[edit | edit source]
- New server installed in server rack. Now what?
- Mini Fridge would be great
- Need to finish windows
- Art and Code Thursday reflections
Decisions[edit | edit source]
- Jon will bring in sponges
- Mark will write Sepideh a check
- Aaron has been authorized by a vote to spend $50 +-10 for parts for the Circuit bending workhsop
- Matt will talk with West about administering the server
Attending[edit | edit source]
- Matthew Forr
- Jon Lesser
- Kelly Egan
- Mark Huson
- Aaron Brewer
- Alan Baumbusch
- Sepideh Miller
Minutes[edit | edit source]
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Financial update
- Monies In:
- Alan's check was deposited
- Aaron was first to pay dues
- Misplaced check from Avery (whoo hoo)
- Monies Out:
- We will be paying Sepideh
- There's now talk of balancing the checkbook
- Monies In:
- Membership update
- No new members but a good turn out from Art && Code
- Short notes on personal projects or other wise interesting projects.
- Heads up mention of upcoming events and pointers to info.
- Multimeter workshop on 10/21 (Wednesday)
- Kits are here
- Might need sponges
- Baltimore Dorkbot Meeting next Tuesday (10/20) at 7:00pm
- Proposal to cancel the meeting so we can all attend dorkbot
- Circuit bending workshop will be October 24th from 1pm til done
- $10 charge for the workshop
- Please bring toys
- A vote of all yeas says spend $50 +-10
- TEDxMidAtlantic is November 5 8am - 6:30pm
- Art && Code in Pittsburgh November 6th – 8
- Registration is now open
- There is talk of getting a hotel and carpooling
- SketchUp Workshop on November 21 @ 1:00pm
- Things are looking good
- Multimeter workshop on 10/21 (Wednesday)
- Check in on action items from last week
- Get more chairs
- Find people to offer workshops
- Mark is working on finishing up the tempemperature workshop
- Patrick will contact Google about our sketchup workshop
- ???
- Matt will research and begin building an intro to processing/programming class
- Still in the works
- Mark will develop a research proposal for replacing the door and the lock.
- Sherwin was not into that idea
- Get the TV working
- Alright!
- Get EDC’s contact information
- Electronic Disposal Information
- Baltimore Nodecast
Special Items[edit | edit source]
- New server installed in server rack. Now what?
- ip ends in .193
- usefulness improves with a static IP address
- meantime:
- Public samba share
- Git repo
- Mini Fridge would be great
- Still getting with Avery (Matt)
- Need to finish windows
- Art and Code Thursday reflections
- What would be a good format for this? I've got a blog post rattling around, but also want to pitch some ideas to the group, some for general consumption, some for just members. Short gist: I can "lead" once a month, but lead should be defined. If we're going to claim A&C occurs weekly, then other folks need to volunteer to pick up other evenings. (Adam)
- Discussion around this point was that we should build a format that has people sharing code and working on projects collaboratively. So at this point basically we need to have other people take the "lead" otherwise it will be a once a month thing.