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2009-10-06 Meeting Notes

From Baltimore Node Wiki

Agenda[edit | edit source]

Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]

  • Financial update (Mark)
  • Membership update (Matt)
  • Short notes on personal projects or other wise interesting projects.
  • Heads up mention of upcoming events and pointers to info.
  • Check in on action items from last week
    1. Get more chairs
    2. Two Hands to visit the Node tonight around 9ish.
    3. (Art && Code) Thursdays
    4. Move AC units out

Special Items[edit | edit source]

  • Classes
  • Door update
  • TV

Decisions[edit | edit source]

  1. Find people to offer workshops
  2. Patrick will contact Google about our sketchup workshop
  3. Matt will research and begin building an intro to processing/programming class
  4. Find a campsite at Elkneck state park
  5. Mark will develop a research proposal for replacing the door and the lock.
  6. Get the TV working
  7. Get EDC’s contact information

Attending[edit | edit source]

  1. Matthew Forr
  2. Jon Lesser
  3. Kelly Egan
  4. Mark Huson
  5. Matt Shirley
  6. Avery Boyce
  7. Nathaniel West
  8. Sylvia Chi
  9. Sepideh Miller
  10. Steve Stowell
  11. Patrick Roanhouse

Minutes[edit | edit source]

  1. Financial Update
    1. Current account status – $We’re good
      1. Monies out:
        1. Rent has been paid
        2. Insurance has been paid
        3. Sepideh will be paid $326.38 for the 9 x Elenco M-2666K
      2. Monies in:
        1. People are paying us
        2. The multimeter workshop is a net gain
  2. Membership Update
    1. No new members
    2. We will reach out to people that submitted a membership form
  3. Personal Projects
  4. Upcoming events and plugs
    1. Soldering workshop
    2. Robot workshop and party
    3. Circuit bending workshop
    4. Google Sketchup workshop
      1. November 21st 1pm
      2. Free for members and $50 for non-members
      3. Patrick will contact Google about our sketchup workshop
      4. Lets consider hacking the export file
  5. Check In On Action items
    1. Get more chairs
      1. Ongoing
    2. Two hands project
    3. Art && Code is offical
    4. Joshua Benideto
    5. Move AC units out
      1. They’re gone


Special Items

  1. Door update
    1. It opens and locks
    2. RFID locks are beautiful
    3. Lets get this researched and approved
  2. Workshops and Stuff
    1. Intro to programming
      1. Research NYC resistor class
      2. Research other intro to programming classes
      3. Set a start date
    2. Guest speakers
    3. Focus on hacks
  3. Mascots
  4. Circuit bending workshop will be October 24th from 1pm til done
  5. Art && Code to Pitt Novemeber 6th – 8.
  6. Baltimore Node PodcastNodeCast
    1. How often
      1. Need based
    2. Content ideas
      1. Tutorials and how-tos
      2. Hacks
      3. Cover events
    3. Production