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2009-09-29 Meeting Notes

From Baltimore Node Wiki

Agenda[edit | edit source]

Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]

  • Financial update (Mark)
  • Membership update (Matt)
  • Short notes on personal projects or other wise interesting projects.
  • Heads up mention of upcoming events and pointers to info.
  • Check in on action items from last week
    1. Get more chairs

Special Items[edit | edit source]

  • T.G.I.M.B.O.E.J has arrived from HacDC. WTF now?
  • Two Hands to visit the Node tonight around 9ish.
  • (Art && Code) Thursdays
  • Move AC units out
  • Distributing flyers for Soldering workshop
  • Mascot Nominations Phase 1b (time permitting)

Decisions[edit | edit source]

  1. Add member price for eventbright
  2. Pay bill for insurance
  3. Adam needs to come pickup his AC unit
  4. Figure out the math for a keg for party
  5. Acquire materials for the party

Attending[edit | edit source]

  • Matthew Forr
  • Jon Lesser
  • Kelly Egan
  • Mark Huson
  • Matt Shirley
  • Avery Boyce
  • Sepideh Miller
  • Steve Stowell

Minutes[edit | edit source]

  1. Financial Update
    1. Current account status – $2191.00
      1. Monies out:
        1. Utilities should be about $80-$100
        2. Insurance is $219 for the year
      2. Monies in:
        1. Members have been paying promptly (about $900 in)
  2. Membership Update
    1. Rich Ercolani has filled out a membership application
    2. I need to copy Nate’s information over
    3. Still stand at 19 members
  3. Personal Projects
    1. Kelly vocoder device
    2. Mark – Rainbowduino, list of stuff for kegerator (drunk)
    3. Matt – Chu Moy headphone amp badass
    4. Sepideh – led bracelet, rainbowduino
    5. Avery – I’m boring, I’m, actually existential crisis (she used all of her words)
    6. Jon – two way mirror box that captures facial expressions
    7. Matt – rainbowduino, visualizing data, general hacking
  4. Upcoming events and plugs
    1. Multimeter
      1. Pay at the door needs to be added for members only
  5. Check In On Action items
    1. Get more Chairs


Special Items

  1. <a href=http://tgimboej.org/>T.G.I.M.B.O.E.J</a> has arrived from HacDC. WTF now?
    1. Options:
      1. Send off with Bilal
      2. Send to Harford
      3. Send with someone to Richmond, Philly, NYC, Pitt or other nearby hackerspace
    2. It was sent off with Skyler and Luke from the Richmond Hackerspace
  2. Two Hands visit to Node tonight
    1. Was awesome.
  3. Art && Code (Thursdays)
    1. Live coding: audio, video and hacking to make things happen as a performance
    2. Happens during Openhack session
    3. Please bring your laptops and workstations already configured
  4. Node Trip (Art && Code Pittsburgh)
    1. Speakers from the real-world NYU ITP, RISD, CM and more
    2. Saturday speakers are free
    3. Workshops are still yet to be announced and they are cool $75 a workshop
    4. IT’S ONLY FOUR HOURS AWAY, so let’s go!
  5. Baltimorenode.org
    1. Lets work on original editorial content
      1. Should be related to hacking but does not have to be something you are doing
      2. Consider collecting a couple of projects and then put your spin on it
      3. Make sure it’s original and remember it does not need to be that long of an article
      4. Our goal is to get noticed by boingboing, make or digg.
    2. Anyone that is a member can sign up for the blog
    3. If you want help editing your content email it to Matthew and he can post/edit it for you
  6. Distribute flyers
    1. Kelly has brought in flyers for the multimeter workshop, please distribute
  7. Mascot nominations
    1. Spencer
      1. Some brown ball of terrified fur, responds to sweet bear and Spencer
      2. Thermos: keeps things hot and the top doubles as a cup
      3. Kegerator – named boh’bot
      4. Little yellow drummer bot video <a href=http://letsmakerobots.com/node/112>http://letsmakerobots.com/node/112</a>
      5. Little yellow drummer bot (to be built)
  8. Halloween Party
    1. Party guy from twitter – makes a product called Q-lab controller for lighting and audio.
    2. DIY Robot Party on the 24th of October
      1. Start at 7:30pm for building
      2. Party starts at 9pm or 10pm
      3. Charge for a Keg
        1. Get the math done
      4. Donations for parts
      5. Kraft project!!
      6. Get in contact with Etsy street team and craft mafia