2009-08-18 Meeting Notes
Agenda[edit | edit source]
Standard Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
- Find a volunteer to play secretary.
- Financial update.
- Membership update.
- Short notes on personal projects. Six words about what's at the top of your list.
- Events - supremely brief mention of upcoming events and pointers to info.
Special Items[edit | edit source]
- Brief discussion of potential ignite after party to bring everyone up to speed on what is being considered. Further planning to happen offline.
- Discussion of the next priorities for getting the space ready for working
- When to hold officer elections?
- Officially adopt logo (See upper left of this wiki)
- Discuss possibility of getting keypad lock for front door.
Decisions[edit | edit source]
- Officer Elections will be held in two week at our regular meeting on Tuesday September 1st. Please review the election procedure in the bylaws.
- We will have a final vote on logos at our regular meeting on Tuesday, September 1st. If you want to enter a logo for consideration, send it out to the discussion list.
Attending[edit | edit source]
Members in attendance[edit | edit source]
- Alan Grover
- Patrick
- Kelly
- Jon Lesser
- Mark
- Matthew Forr
- Sepideh
- Steve
Non-members in attendance[edit | edit source]
- Trevor
- Jimmy
- Paul
- Todd
Minutes[edit | edit source]
- Matt volunteered to be secretary for the meetings
- Financial Updates
- $1,3xx.00 in the bank
- Membership Update
- 17
- Two more potential members in September
- Talk on personal projects
- Kelly talks about the Low Res Film Festival on the roof
- Grant has been submitted by Sherwin
- Went around the room with what’s going on and there was all sorts of stuff
- You had to be there
- Events
- MP3Car event
- They were looking for help and if you would like further details go to the wiki where it will direc
- Pedal Mod workshop
- Matt and Erich are organizing
- Looking for a speaker
- You bring the kit/pedal we bring the shop
- Arduino Followup workshop
- Who
- Alan might be leading
- What
- Possibly something with sensors
- Where
- The space
- When
- Future
- Party Planning Committee
- Something after ignite
- Observations can we get people after ignite?
- 200-300 people
- Ignite is on a thursday
- Mark has volunteered as party guy
- The Loft is 300+
- Annual meeting
- This will be two weeks from the 18th.
- Matt has been nominated for Secretary by Mark
- This meeting needs to be announced and promoted
- Patrick thinks we should separate officers and board members
- Patrick also wants to be a board member
- Mark says he will not be smearing anybody in the campaign
- Logo
- Aaron has a logo in the works
- Vote to move it to the annual meeting
- Yeas have it
- We should send out a call to arms about the variations of logos and a call for more logos
- Key & Lock
- Keycode is an option for $200
- We agreed that we would consider this option when a key was lost and it would be necessary to change the lock
- Sepideh and Alan express their concern about the lost key fee
- Make sure you get a green key not a red key
- Getting the Space Organized
- Tables are setup
- We now have power
- We will need to get AC and Heat installed
- Can we purchase an extension cord or something to run power down to the center of tables
- Rubber mat to cover power cords run to the center of the table
- Chairs
- We need chairs, acquire
- CDM Electronics
- Restor – check
- Loading Dock
- Craigslist
- Ideal situation would be a pile of alike chairs that stack
- Tools
- What can we move into here?
- Alan has
- Radial arm saw
- Drill press
- Various hand tools
- How can we manage all the donations and loans
- Inventory systems have been proposed
- Donations becoming a liability over an asset
- Let’s define what we want
- Large tools
- Drill press
- Furniture
- Small tools
- Let’s vote on the large items and furniture
- The loft
- There is concern about beams
- Wood beams
- Steel beams
- Down beams
- Ray beams
- Cost
- Bottom of the listed
- The Lights
- We want cooler cheaper lights
- We currently use 250watts per set of 6 lights there are 8 sets
- Drop lights with a chandelier
- Lets do some research and take it to the discussion list
- Agreed priorities
- Lights
- Chairs
- Organizational furniture
- Server rack
- Large tools
- Meeting adjourned