2009-08-04 Meeting Notes
Location[edit | edit source]
Baltimore Node Workshop @ 7:30
Agenda[edit | edit source]
- Discuss the space and what will go in it
- Answer questions for non-members and members
- Work out details about the DIY Mod your pedal workshop
People in Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Todd
- Adam
- Alan
- Michael
- Joel
- Zach
- Martin
- Steve
- Matthew
- Erich
- Eric
- Sepideh
- Matt
- Dave
- Gary
- Venkatesh
- Avery
- James
- Nathaniel
- Aaron
- Suhas
Decisions Made[edit | edit source]
- Avery with the help of Wes will organize the incoming equipment
- We will be stripping and painting the space Saturday morning
- Details of the DIY Mod your pedal workshop will be determined online
Action Items[edit | edit source]
- Alan will contact a contractor he knows to see if he could design a structure for us
- Acquire paint
- Acquire a really big AC unit
- there's already a window unit sitting on the floor in the corner. the previous tenants will be leaving it. Abachman 19:38, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Minutes[edit | edit source]
- Introductions
- Someone took attendance on a notepad (Aaron Brewer?)
- Gary from Robot Fest cordially invited us to Electronica Fest,
- tickets are $6 and if you would like to come it’s September 5th
- There will be a Theremin workshop and you can purchase a kit on site
- He is looking for workshop volunteers (would you like to teach something?) and logistics volunteers, get a hold of him for more info. Where’s his contact info?
- more details at http://www.nationalelectronicsmuseum.org/’
- Space Discussion
- We need rules on how to handle donations, loans and personal projects
- There will need to be an inventory system and we will need to define what goes into the inventory (loans?)
- Furnishing and initial spec up
- Avery volunteered to be the Czar organize what we have and figure out how to make it fit with the help of Wes
- Alan said he would contact a contractor friend of his to assess the space and determine what kind of structure we could potentially build
- After the meeting we started taking down the wallpaper and will now need to pain
- It was decided that we will need to procure the biggest AC that can fit in the area above the doorway
- Membership
- There was a discussion about trust and keys and perhaps we should amend the bylaws, options proposed:
- Deposit on the key
- Must be a member for ‘X’ months
- Must pay ‘X’ months of dues in advance
- Voting people in, when is that going to start?
- How will we handle things being stolen/broken
- There was a discussion about trust and keys and perhaps we should amend the bylaws, options proposed:
- Blog/Website
- It was proposed that we create a federated blog that combines the blogs of multiple members into one blog
- We need clearly present information on the website (contact info of our members, twitter directory?)
- Czar of web was proposed
- I’m adding that we need a small web development/design committee, preferably someone that can mock it up and someone that can build it out
- E-Waste
- Recycling program to move things out on a regular basis, I think this will go under maintaining the space
- DIY Mod Shop
- We concluded that we would work out a day to do this via the discussion list
- We decided that we will work with multiple kits
- Matt volunteered to coordinate the workshop and Erich volunteered to teach the electronics component
- There was a request for someone to explain the science behind sound modulation