2009-07-27 Meeting Notes
Location[edit | edit source]
Joe Squared 133 W North Ave @ 6:00pm
Agenda[edit | edit source]
- Consider and sign the lease for the Load of Fun Building.
- Any other business with a pressing deadline.
Members in Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Adam Bachman
- Sylvia Chi
- Kelly Egan
- Matthew Forr
- Mark Huson
- Jon Lesser
- Patrick Roanhouse
- Matt Shirley
Decisions Made[edit | edit source]
- Will sign the lease for Load of Fun space at 120 W North Ave.
- Will adopt the Tuesday Pattern and hold regular meetings each week at 7:30pm on Tuesdays. First regular meeting will be on Tuesday, August 4th @ 7:30pm at the Baltimore Node (120 W North Ave.)
- Will seek 501(c)(3) in the future
- Matt Shirley is now a member
Action Items[edit | edit source]
- Jon will deposit $140 in dues
- Kelly will give the signed lease and rent/deposit check to Sherwin
Minutes[edit | edit source]
- Membership business:
- Inducted Matt Shirley who signed a membership agreement and paid $50 for August dues (check #139)
- Sylvia paid $50 in dues for August (Check #153)
- Patrick paid $40 in cash for August dues
- Jon took the $140 paid and will deposit in the SunTrust account by 7/28/1009.
- We established a quorum was present with 8 of 14 members present.
- Adam, Patrick, Kelly, Mark, Jon, and Matt Forr signed the Failsafe Agreement
- A motion was raised to proceed with a lease agreement between the Corporation and 120 W North Ave LLC for the previously visited space on the 1st floor.
- Motion passed unanimously
- Kelly, Mark, Adam, Jon, and Matt signed two copies of the lease on behalf of the Corporation.
- Motion was raised to authorize Jon Lesser to write a check to 120 W North Ave LLC for August rent ($600) and the remaining unpaid deposit ($600 - $120 paid previously by Kelly).
- Motion passed unanimously
- Jon wrote a the check for $1080 and gave it to Kelly. Kelly will give the lease and check to landlord (Sherwin) of 120 W North Ave LLC this week.
- A motion was raised to complete leftover agenda items from previous meeting with the exception of "Elect Officers" and "Adopt a Logo".
- Motion passed unanimously
- By unanimous vote, we resolved to seek 501(c)(3) status in the future and operate the Corporation is a manor compatible with the 501(c)(3) filing process. There was consensus that we should hold future fund raisers to cover the $750 application fee and that filing was not an immediate objective.
- By unanimous vote we resolved to adopt the Tuesday Pattern and hold regular meetings each week at 7:30pm on Tuesdays. The first regular meeting will be at 7:30pm on Tuesday at the Baltimore Node (120 W North Ave).