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Membership Dues

From Baltimore Node Wiki
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Basic Policy

Baltimore Node membership dues are $50 a month. Dues can be paid with a credit card through Stripe (repeats monthly from the day you sign up) or you may deliver a check or cash to the treasurer.

Household membership rates

Members living in the same household may pay $25 dues for each member beyond the first, up to a total of four (one member at $50, three at $25) All members in household are full members with voting and key rights. Minor dependents are free to come as guests, receive member rates for workshops but are not allowed keys or voting rights. Minors must be supervised.

Alternative dues

Those who wish to join the Node, but are unable to afford $50 a month in dues may propose an alternative dues arrangement. The proposal should include how much, if anything, you can afford to pay in dues each month and what you can do to help the Node stay solvent. The Node is open to all sorts of creative arrangements, just be specific in your proposal. Here are some examples of things you might propose in lieu of paying full dues:

  • Volunteer to lead a specific workshop or event
  • Work to secure donations and grants
  • Contribute high quality original content to baltimorenode.org
  • Work to bring in new members
  • Contribute something amazing to the space

If you would like to become a member with an alternative dues arrangement, submit your proposal via email to the president. The president will forward it on to the membership who will then vote on it at the next regular meeting.

Dues Waiver

Members who, for whatever reason, are unable to pay dues may have their dues waived for up to three months. To receive a waiver, you have to submit a request to the Board of Directors. If after three months you still are unable to pay dues, you must either submit an alternative dues proposal (see above) or relinquish your membership. If you will be unable to pay full dues it may make sense to move directly to an alternative dues arrangements instead of receiving a waiver.

See Also