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Membership Process

From Baltimore Node Wiki
This process is still in development and will be finalized by the end of July. 
If you're interested in getting involved with the Node, get in touch on the Mailing list


  1. Get to know the space. Come to an event or just stop by and hang out for a while.
  2. Fill out a membership application. This quick online form lets us know you're interested.
  3. Come to a meeting. New members are confirmed at regular meetings.
  4. Start paying dues. Dues are just $50 a month.
  5. Register for a key. Show us a photo ID, pay for the duplication cost, and you'll get a key for 24/7 access.
  6. Stop worrying about bureaucracy and do cool stuff!

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't afford $50. Where do we go from here?


What are the benefits of being a member

  • Access to the space to work on projects either on your own or in collaboration with other members
  • Use of all community tools and equipment within the space
  • Free access to all workshops and events
  • A designated area to store in progress work
  • A voice and a vote in all decisions affecting the Baltimore Node

How do I register for a key

Talk to any officer and they can get you set up. The officer will make a copy of your photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.) and put in a request with the landlord for a copy of the key. You will need to pay $? to cover the cost of key duplication. The process generally takes ? days. Also, be aware that there is a $100 fee if you lose the key.