Structure and organization

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Formalizing our structure

It seems that if we are going to accept money and rent property we are going to have to formalize our structure somehow. Maybe we should look at the pros and cons of some of these options. Also by incorporating in some fashion we reduce the liability each of us faces for being associated with the group.


A 503(c) is a non-profit organizations exempt from some federal income taxes.


  • Donations can be deducted from taxes.
  • Don't have to pay federal taxes.


  • Process takes awhile



  • Fast


  • No tax benefits.

Notes from Design Pattern on organization

Here is a translation of the orginazational section of the design pattern, posted here so that we can edit/comment on them for our space.

The Plenum Pattern


You want to resolve internal conflicts, exercise democratic decision making, and discuss recent issues and future plans.


Have a regular meeting with all members, if possible. Have an agenda and set goals. Make people commit themselves to tasks. Write down minutes of the meeting and post them on a mailing list and/or Wiki. Go for the only date that works: once a week. Weird dates like “first full-moon after the third Friday” will never work. Likewise, every other week or anything similar won’t work either.

The Tuesday Pattern


Every weekday sucks. You will not find any day when every hacker can attend a meeting. Someone always has an appointment.


Meet on Tuesday. Since all days are equally bad, just pick Tuesday. End of discussion.

The OpenChaos Pattern


You want to draw in new people and provide an interface to the outside world.


Have a monthly, public, and open lecture, talk or workshop. Announce it at your local time (no UTC, CEST, EST or something else). Invite interesting visitors to your regular meetings and don’t tell the weirdos.

The U23 Pattern


Your older members graduate from college or get married. Your space needs fresh blood.


Recruit young people through a challenge you set up for them, in the form of a course that spans several weeks. Overwhelm them with problems from hardware and software hacking and let them solve them in teams. Prepare for the challenge and tutor them, but give them room to experiment. Retire after the team building and let the smartest of the young ones run the space.